Our Windsor dentists offer dental bonding as a non-invasive dental procedure.
Anterior Bonding in Windsor
Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure where your dentist applies tooth-coloured resin to the front (anterior) of your natural tooth to help improve the look of your smile.

Reasons for Bonding
Dental bonding is ideal for minor cosmetic dental work and may also be used to fill small cavities.
If you have a damaged, discoloured or gapped tooth, dental bonding may help address it.
The Bonding Procedure
Dental bonding typically requires only one visit to your dentist's office and can usually be completed in 30 to 60 minutes per tooth.
Your dentist first sculpts the composite resin material into shape. Then, using adhesives and a curing light, it is bonded to your tooth and hardened. Finally, it is polished to match your existing teeth.